Sclerotization of Varicose Veins

Sclerotherapy is an outpatient injection treatment of varicose veins (varices), a method which has been employed since the early 1960s. Sclerotization is used to remove microvarices, small, medium and large varicose veins. Sclerotization can be performed as an adjunctive treatment after a varicose vein surgery. Essentially, the treatment consists in an injection of the sclerosing agent into the varicose vein. After being filled with the sclerosing agent, the vein closes, is gradually transformed into soft tissue and absorbed.

The course of varicose vein sclerotization treatment

The injection with the sclerosing agent is administered into the varicose vein. The finest cannulas and microthreads are used for this purpose. The filled vein closes and the body gradually absorbs it. The procedure takes only a few minutes and is not painful. The injection sites are covered and a compression bandage or compression stocking is applied over them. Immediately after the procedure, the patient should walk for 30 minutes, if possible, in the presence of the doctor who performed the procedure. In case of larger scope of varicose veins the sclerotization procedure can be repeated several times.

Recovery after sclerotization of varicose veins

Treated varicose veins can be stiff and slightly painful. Correct and consistent wearing of compression garments has a decisive influence on the result of sclerotherapy. The larger the removed varicose veins, the longer the compression garments must be worn. After the sclerotization of microvarices the compression stockings are worn for 3 to 4 days. After the sclerotization of medium to large varicose veins the compression stockings are worn for 3 to 5 weeks. You can engage in sports or heavier physical labour already a couple of hours after the procedure.

Contraindication of varicose vein sclerotization treatment

The treatment cannot be performed during acute inflammatory disease, during pregnancy and lactation period and in case of ischaemia of lower limbs or blood clotting disorder.

The causes of varicose veins

Elevated pressure in veins causes the malfunction of venous valves. The valves in the extended veins do not close properly and therefore cannot fulfil their role as valves preventing reflux – the back-flow of blood. The blood begins to accumulate and increases the pressure on the venous wall, leading to the formation of small veins or large coiled raised varicose veins.

The precise reason why some people experience the weakening of the vein walls while others do not has not been identified yet. Innate dispositions are presumed to be accountable due to the fact that varicose veins often run in a family.

Hormonal changes, unhealthy lifestyle, overweight, high blood pressure, sedentary jobs, prolonged standing or pregnancy increase the risk of developing varicose veins.



Vascular Surgery Department Price
Initial  examination 500 CZK
Colour Doppler sonographic examination (1 limb) 500 CZK
Liquid Sclerotherapy (1 limb) 1,500 CZK
Foam Sclerotherapy (1 limb) 2,000 CZK