Did you know that we remove tattoos at Esthé? Using the alexandrite laser, we can perform this procedure relatively painlessly in a matter of several visits. 


You have absolutely nothing to be afraid of! The special alexandrite laser is capable of breaking down the dye beneath the surface into tiny particles using its directly targeted beam. The miniature particles are then either deposited on the surface of the skin in the form of a scab or absorbed by the blood, from which they are washed out of the body by white blood cells.

For greater comfort during the procedure, we can also apply an anaesthetic cream. The minor scabs disappear in about a week, it is, nevertheless, necessary to lubricate the area by a special cream. After the procedure, it is also necessary to avoid sunlight for a longer period of time and use sunscreen with a high protection factor.


Tattoo Price
minor procedure 2,300 CZK
medium procedure 3,400 CZK
major procedure 4,500 - 5,600 CZK

It cannot be procisely determined in advance how many sessions will be needed for the tattoo removal . It depends especially on the type of the dye and the depth of its deposits. However, in case your tattoo requires more large-scale procedures, it is possible to agree on an individual price.


Do you have a tattoo that you could happily go without? At Esthé we will take care of that and remove it once and for all!