Excessive perspiration

Excessive perspiration or sweating can be quite easily resolved by the well-known botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin successfully suppresses the production of sweat glands in the following areas: armpits, forehead, décolletage, palms and feet. As a result, the sweat secretion spreads out into larger areas of other skin parts and the problem with excessive perspiration in the given area is eliminated. The effect usually lasts for 7-12 months. After this period, it is necessary to repeat the application.

Excessive perspiration 

Hyperhidrosis or excessive perspiration is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which can be a social handicap especially for people who frequently appear in public or often deal with clients. It is definitely not a result of inadequate hygiene and the range of cosmetic options which deal with it is limited. 

Increased activity of sweat glands often manifests itself locally,  in specific areas of the body. Some factors, such as stress, poor diet, anxiety, depression etc. can contribute to it. If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, do not despair, there are effective solutions to deal with it. 

Botulinum toxin works effectively on perspiration.

You may have heard of Botulinum toxin and its use for the removal of wrinkles and smoothing of skin. It acts on perspiration by blocking the activation of sweat glands. The production of sweat glands can be suppressed in the following areas:

  • forehead
  • armpit
  • décolletage
  • palms
  • feet
  • and other areas as needed

How long do the effects of botulinum toxin last?

Botulinum toxin significantly reduces excessive production of sweat. As a result of its application, the sweat secretion is spread out into larger areas of other skin parts and the problem with excessive perspiration in the given area is thereby eliminated. The effect usually lasts for 7-12 months. After this period, it is necessary to repeat the application. 

How do we perform thIS procedure AT Esthé?

The application of the formulation is almost painless. The botulinum toxin is inserted into the desired area through several fine injections done by a miniature needle. An anaesthetic cream can also be used. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and the actual treatment of hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin usually takes about 15 minutes. The effect appears gradually usually within 2–10 days after the procedure.

Sweatless Summer

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Used methods

Price list

Botulinum toxin Price
Initial examination (payed only on the 1st visit) 500 CZK
Treatment of excessive perspiration 9,000 - 13,000 CZK