How does laser hair removal work?
The laser beam targets the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicle of the growing hair and the heat moves all the way to the hair bulb (root) and destroys it. The hair follicle is connected to the bulb only in the growth stage of the hair. The hairs do not grow all at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, so that all the hairs are destroyed during their growing phase. The best results are often achieved with dark hairs. The effect on gray and white hairs is limited since laser cannot remove hairs that do not contain pigment.
What body areas is it suitable for?
Any part of the skin can be treated by this laser procedure. Most often, it is the face, armpits, groin, legs, and bikini. It is not only women who undergo laser hair removal, but also men who want to get rid of hair on the back or chest.
The course of the procedure
The laser hair removal procedure in Esthé starts with a non-binding consultation with a doctor who will inform you of the course of the procedure, the possibilities of the method and its potential risks. The duration of the procedure is individual. It depends on the treated area and the intensity of hair. To get an idea, the hair removal of upper lip requires 5 minutes, hair removal of each forearm takes about 60 minutes and hair removal of bikini about 50 minutes.
What care should be devoted to the treated area after the procedure?
Immediately after the treatment, it is necessary to protect the treated area for a few days against mechanical irritation and to treat it as recommended by the doctor. If you thoroughly observe sun protection instructions, some body parts can be epilated even in summer. To increase comfort of the hair removal procedure, a special cream can be used which desensitises the skin in the given area.
How long does the effect of laser hair removal last?
In contrast to earlier methods, the GentleLase laser hair removal delivers long-term to permanent hair removal in the treated skin areas. Therefore, the GentleLase laser was also approved by FDA (Federal office for drug control in the USA) as a laser for permanent hair removal.
Before the procedure
After the procedure
Consult the expert
Use our online consultation centre and ask our experts about anything you want to know about this procedure.

Used methods
Candela GentleLase
Candela GentleLase is an alexandrite laser designed to remove unwanted hair.

Price list
Laser hair removal prices are approximate and calculated for the standard density of hairs in the given area. The application of the anaesthetic cream, if it is preferred by the client, is already included in the price.
Laser hair removal | Price from |
Upper lip | 750 CZK |
Chin | 1,450 CZK |
Between eyebrows | 420 CZK |
Eyebrows correction | 1,300 CZK |
Cheeks | 2,200 CZK |
Beard area | 3,400 CZK |
Shoulders | 2, 600 CZK |
Armpits | 2,600 CZK |
Arms | 5,200 CZK |
Back of hand | 1,700 CZK |
Area around nipples | 1,300 CZK |
Back | 9,100 CZK |
Lower abdomen | 3,000 CZK |
Line of hair under the belly button | 1,300 CZK |
Bikini line | 2,400 CZK |
Bikini line + armpits | 4,200 CZK |
Brasil epilation (whole bikini) | 4,200 CZK |
Tighs | 9,100 CZK |
Buttocks | 3,800 CZK |
Calves | 6,500 CZK |
Auricle | 1,300 CZK |
Side curls | 1,100 CZK |