
This method is based on varying radiation energy and application on the skin. Sublation rejuvenation uses a bi-polar radio frequency radiation which penetrates the skin and delivers the maximum effect under the skin surface. The effect of the beam is directed into the deep regions of the skin so the skin surface remains almost undamaged. It delivers a conical effect on the skin; the beam input on the skin surface is only microscopic and with depth the action expands in a fanwise way. This is a fundamental difference from the ablation methods in which the skin surface is damaged to the same extent as the deep layers of the skin; creating the necessity of regeneration and healing.








Clinical research has shown that the use of sublative rejuvenation succeeds in adjusting wrinkles, stretch marks, and irregularities in the texture of the skin caused by sunlight. The adjustment of skin unevennesses after acne and the stretching of enlarged pores are also achieved. The Procedure can even achieve improvements of some skin problems such as eczema, etc. The process of skin regeneration with the formation of new collagen is initialized. This method is suitable for all skin types and for all types of skin pigmentation. The effect will manifest itself by the disappearance of fine and medium wrinkles, reduction of deep wrinkles, elimination of skin colour changes and improvement of skin elasticity and appearance.

Three programmes designated by the letters A, B and C can be used depending on the nature and type of skin damage. Programme A uses finer energy with a shallower effect and is intended for less damaged skin. After the procedure, the skin surface is almost undamaged. Programme C stands on the opposite side of the spectrum with high energy and deeper penetration, representing an intensive procedure. Small scabs may appear on the skin surface after the application, but they will gradually peel off.

The procedure, which rejuvenates the entire face, takes about 20 minutes and there are little or no restrictions after the application. The return to work and other everyday activities is virtually immediate. It is recommended, however, to protect the skin from sunlight; using sunscreen with a high SPF (over 30) will suffice.

To achieve the maximum effect, one should undergo three applications with an interval of approximately six weeks. For the purposes of maintaining good facial condition, the procedure should be repeated about once a year. The effect of the procedure is visible already after the first application. Due to the commencement of the regenerative processes, the skin gradually brightens in the following weeks. The procedure is not painful, patients tolerate it well and indicate only warmth or fine tingling sensations. After the application, the skin may be slightly pink to red. However, adjustments can be quickly achieved using cooling gels and the redness usally disappears within 24 hours. So far, there have been no reports of clinically significant side effects. The method is very safe.



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